Responsive Design

  • Updated

Please note that typically the RV LIFE Trip Wizard screen consists of three parts: Top Menu, Trip Area, and Map Area.

responsive design.png

Note: It should look like this, but it may appear smaller, or larger, depending on the resolution of your screen. To make items on the screen appear larger when using a PC, hold down the CTRL key while pressing the plus (+) key. To make items smaller, hold down the CTRL key and press the minus (-) key. For Macs, hold down the Command key and press the plus (+) or minus keys (-).

The page above is divided into three sections:

  1. The Map Area

  2. The Trip Drawer

  3. The Top Menu

These areas may look different based on the resolution of your screen. 

The RV LIFE Trip Wizard website automatically adjusts based on the size of your screen using a feature called "responsive design." This means you can use a smartphone, tablet, laptop or desktop computer and it will automatically give you best layout for that particular device. On a PC your screen will look like this:

trip wizard.png

On a tablet, your screen will look like the image below (not to scale).

Tablet (iPad):

Screen Shot 2023-08-17 at 18.18.55.png

You'll notice three tabs -- Trips, Maps and Research -- have shifted to the bottom of the screen (in the example, the Map tab has been selected). You'll also notice a number of the buttons in the top menu are no longer visible (Campgrounds/Parks, Elevation, Points of Interest, Trip Hazards, Drag Route and Show Entire Trip) whether you're on either a tablet or smartphone. To locate these items, click the profile icon in the upper right-hand corner (circled above) and select the item you wish to view.

On a Smartphone your screen will look like this (again, Map tab is selected -- image not to scale):

Screen Shot 2023-08-17 at 18.20.24.png

To get to the Trip Area on a tablet or smartphone, you need to click the Trip tab at the bottom of the screen. The Trip Area will appear.

To create a New Trip or Open a Trip, tap/click the appropriate button. You will then have the option to choose which trip you would like to open, or whether you would like to create a new one.